Monday, September 22, 2008

Berlin: the New and the Old, Berlin: lo Nuevo y lo Viejo

So we did make it to Berlin, well my bagge didn't (not for the entire time I was there), I'm glad I had some extra cloth, but it was cold. So we decided to head and take a quick look of Berlin, We were really tired, not much sleep, so we head to one of the remains of WWII, a church that was decided to leave it as a reminder of the war. Is really pretty even if you only see parts of it, very impressive. The built a memorial, which is impressive as well. The outside is not so much, but boy the inside is beautiful, full of little blue cubes that make up a module for the window like stain glass. I will upload the pictures as soon as I can, internet to slow and most of them for some reason don't have USB!!!

Second day we decided to do the original walking tour, that good old Rick Steves recomends, totally worth it!!! The student ID is finally worth now!!! So we walk for 4:30 hours, zeap, like 4 miles and more since Vicky and I, decided to do two more Museums after that (Jewihs Museum and Old Museum where they have queen Nefertitis bust I hope I spell it right!!!), we really need it to make up the day we lost!!
On our tour our guide was great, she totally knew her stuff, well she got a master and bachelour in German history!!! Any ways a cool fact, is that we meet with a couple that were there in Berlin, before and after right after the wall was turn down. It was so amazying to get the stories, the did go to the east of berlin through one of the 3 points, called Check Point Charlie, which we got to see, a little of it and told us how difference everything was!!!

Third day, So we wanted to see moderl and actual architecture. We head up to Postdam Platz. Is like the territory where really famous architets got to build their master piece, all in one place, a void in the center of the city thanks to the wall. Really could place, then we head to the Jewish Memorial, really cool place, I totally agree with you Nicole, I was a little bit dissapointed with the Jewish Museum, this was much better, and more stunning.!!! Then we decided to head to the Reichtang and get up to the dome, not luck to long line and our room mate invite us to the TV tower, so we couldn't turn that down, is like eating on the Space Needle for those of you in the US, but much Higher, is the second tallest tower in Europe after one in the Soviet Union. Why you are asking, well, the poor guy the day we meet up with him, in that night we were sleeping and then at 5:30 am he starts to coughing really hard, Vicky and I get up, she starts helping him out, but he looks really bad, he can't breath, so she starts hitting him really hard on his back and that works, but we figure he had a asma attack, really bad, he felt bad so he say he would invite us to eat out, so he did, and it was amazing, great view. Then he rented a cart the ones people drive like in a bicicle, and we got to tour a little bit around the are of Alexander platz reallz pretty. Then we went to the area to party or go out with friend, is a nice thing they created is like a bunch of courtyards all conected and you have lot of bars around it really cool.

Fourth day we just tour around, more and got home early since they told me to wait for my bag, it never did, thanks to Kaj our room mate, they deliver it to him, I got it hours before our trip to Cologne.

So there you have it, our time in Berlin was great, I must say Germans are really could in this part of the Country really nice people.


A todos,
Llegamos a Berlin super muertas y con mucho frio, ademas del trasnoche, solo recorrimos un poco, esa tarde por el cansancio, fuimos a ver la Iglesia que quedo de ruinas de la Segunda Guerra, como simbolo de lo que pueden hacer las guerras, y un memorial que disenaron al lado. Super lindo ademas que el interior no habla para nada de su exterior. Unos vidrios azules como modulos, que generan grandes colores.

Segundo dia, tomamos un tour por berlin la zona este, la mayor parte, fue super bueno y lo recomiendo a todos, es muy bueno ademas que la tipa es seca. Por 4 horas y 30 minutos y aprox 4 millas, bueno fue mas porque con vicky decidimos, ir a dos museos, el de los Judios y el viejo donde tienen el busto de la Nefertitis, fue super chori.

Tercer dia, salimos en busca de arquitectura moderna, y bueno berlin esta mas que claro se encuentra muy buena arquitectura, producto de la caida del muro, quedaron muchos vacios importantes como donde se ubica Postdam Platz, donde la creme de la creme de arquitectura coloco sus master pieces. Renzo Piano la lleva, al igual que Richard Rogers. Bueno Foster esta demas que mencionarlo!!!
Luego, fuimos al memorial de los Judios, donde miles de blques generan un plaza de varios recorridos, super chori, pero lo mejor esta abajo, es un memorial/museo super chori, y debo decir que es mejor que el de los Judios, mucho mas conpenetrador.
Bueno de ahi fuimos al Reichtang el edificio del parlamento donde esta el domo de Foster, pero no alcanzamos por la hora, ya que nuestro amigo de cuarto, nos invito por el mal rato que nos hizo pasar la noche que llegamos. Cuento corto casi se nos va para el patio de los callados, como si no tuviermos historia para contartes, bueno aqui les mando otra, sip, a las 5:30 am nos desperatmos con Vicky con unos tosidos super fuertes, y escuchamos a el ahogandose, Vicky se levanto (mas valiente que yo)y le empeso a pegar en la espalda ya que penso que se habia trajado algo, pero no, era como ataque de asma. Bueno menos mal que respiro el tipo sino la media ni que cag.... que nos pasaria. Bueno producto de eso se sintio tan mal que nos dijo que nos invitaria a comer, no le creimos mucho pero nos dijo si estan en Berlin deben comer en la Torre de la Tv, es como el Space Needle en Seattle, con mas de 300 metros de altura y tiene un restorante giratorio, bueno resulto y con Vicky lo pasamos chanco. Despues arrendo un carrito de esos que los tipos manejan como en bici y nos llego por la ciudad, por un rato. Luego fuimos al barrio bohemio, pero chori, de Berlin.

Quarto dia, turistiamos un poco mas, vimos las puertas de Babilonia, super choris, y tomamos un bus para ver el tirgaden, el gran parque de Berlin como el Central Park de NY!!! Llegamos tempranitos para esperar mi famosa maleta pero no llego, sino que el Kaj el tipo con el que vivimos me la trajo ya que el pedio que se la fueran a dejar donde el sino fuera por el quien sabe cuando tendria mi maletita.

Bueno es escribire mas cuando pueda


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